We have been delivering Work It Out! Programmes and Workshops in many formats for five years now - to local communities, jobseekers, businesses, young adult carers, voluntary organisations, prisons and local authorities - to name just some!
One of the constants in all of these formats has been the strong and supportive relationships that are developed between women in the groups. Using the Work It Out! ethos and approach this has always produced significant personal and career development results for each person. Having considered and discussed this with participants and colleagues we have now decided to explore the setting up a Work It Out! Women's Network - with a range of local Groups. The Work It Out! Women's Network will be based very much around the model where a group of women would meet on a weekly basis for a two hour session - to focus (in our case), on developing their career, finding work, earning money and building their future. Each Group would be supported by a trained Work It Out! Facilitator (you?). We envisage this to be a sustainable group after the 8 week pilot phase. Participants pay a fee of £5 per session (although some potential pilots are already exploring the possibility of grant assistance for their pilot - see funding options below). To test the approach we are currently delivering a range of pilot projects (open to all areas) which will run from January to March 2016 (a more detailed timetable is set out below). The Work It Out! materials and approach are a proven framework and all Facilitators will be trained by Diversiton. Between now and mid December 2015 we will be discussing pilot possibilities with any individuals, local authorities, community groups, organisations and businesses who are interested in supporting a Group in their area. Have a read of the information below and if you are interested, have any suggestions or can help in any way - then please get in touch ..... |
Aims of the Pilots
Who can apply to deliver a local pilot project?
This opportunity is suitable for both organisations and individuals: ORGANISATIONS - Women's Groups, Community Organisations, Local Authorities, Colleges, Charities, Training Businesses, Recruitment Agencies, Faith Groups, Prisons, Networking Groups, Training Businesses, Recruitment Agencies, Universities, Associations, etc. INDIVIDUALS - Coaches, Mentors, Trainers, Business Consultants, HR Specialists, Managers, etc. Weekly Workshop - What day or time will you choose?
The weekly Workshop runs for two hours and consists of 5 key elements
Benefits - The Work It Out! Women's Network
- Offers a friendly and welcoming place to meet colleagues and develop new supportive relationships. - Delivers a weekly training and support workshop packed with learning and opportunities to build upon each participant’s strengths, passions and experience. - Is focussed on getting real results for each person whatever their needs or circumstances by helping them to create a series of workpieces (work projects). - Builds confidence, develops personal presentation skills, helps to clarify a clear sense of direction for individuals - and then offers the weekly environment to drive the process forward for each person. - Provides a focal point and supportive space for skills development, idea creation, opportunity sharing and encouraging enterprise. - Helps participants to develop income generation skills by e.g. working on projects, creating items and selling services. - Gives real examples of success, role models and learning that can be replicated by others. - Has an ethos based upon the 9 key principles including
Our 9 key principles
COLLABORATIVE WORKING Participants work collaboratively in groups to support and help each other to create their workpieces. They learn from each other, develop their personal and work skills, increase their confidence - and start to build their future in small steps. Individual learn a whole new way to develop their future - working together, sharing ideas and encouraging each other - in order to generate income, find work, create projects and develop workpieces based upon their strengths and interests. BUILDING UPON STRENGHS Work It Out! builds upon participant's strengths and interests - not perceived weaknesses or shortcomings. The process enables individuals to develop their career in line with their needs at that time - whether it is coming back to the workplace after taking time off for a family, trying to find a job, after redundancy, dealing with personal difficulties, etc. PERSONAL AND COLLECTIVE LEARNING This is not a training programme where individuals sit and listen. Rather, from day one, individuals take responsibility for ensuring the success of everyone in the group. They learn not only by working on their own priorities but also by contributing to and supporting others. The priority is to ensure that no-one falls through the net or fails to achieve their aims. SIX CORE VALUES
POSITIVE ENVIRONMENT The culture is one of can-do, enthusiasm and lots of energy. ACTIVE ENGAGEMENT Participants are encouraged to ask for help and not to be stuck. The group’s ethos is to support others and offering to help with practical support, advice, technical input, encouragement, etc. CONFIDENCE TO DELIVER Presentation skills, self-organisation, cultural competence, kindness and respect are all part of the values and behaviours to ensure personal effectiveness. Individual present their ideas from day one and learn to appreciate other perspectives. They support each other in making formal presentations, leading discussion groups, working on projects, etc. OWNERSHIP AND EMPOWERMENT This is a bottom up, active engagement process that addresses participant needs, supports capacity building, delivers empowerment and promotes wealth creation. Most importantly Work It Out! gives people the opportunity to take control of their careers, to think and plan where they want to go and to start to make this real from day one of the programme. RESULTS FOCUS The focus is on small steps, each person doing something every day to move forward and build their future. |
Some of Pilots being discussed already have a group of Women that they are keen to support. Others recognise that they need to go out and recruit their Participants.
We can help with both options. Des McCabe is able to deliver a FREE half day Work It Out! event in your area which can be open to all women. The aim of this session is to provide an introduction to Work It Out!, the Personal Development Support available and to encourage participants to enrol for your eight week programme. A sample poster is shown below which we can adapt for your use – with location, dates and times. Please contact us soon to pencil in a date for your half day Work It Out! event to launch your Group. The cost for this event is supported by Diversiton and there is no additional cost to the Pilot group. The training of Facilitator(s) also takes place on this day after the Workshop. Choose your Launch Event date from the remaining dates: Just two remaining dates in January 2016 for your Workshop:
18th or 21st - email for February dates please, diversiton(at)gmail.com Would you like to join us?
Contact Des McCabe now to discuss this opportunity, call him on +44 (0) 7717 203325, email him diversiton(at)gmail.com or book a 30 minute free phone/Skype chat. |